Assignment: Creating a Diet History

Assignment: Creating a Diet History

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Assignment: Creating a Diet History

Creating a diet history using Myplate – instructions

The goal of this assignment is to evaluate your personal diet using a 3-day diet history and comparing it to Myplate recommendations. Use Microsoft Word or similar program to complete the assignment. Use Times New Romans font size 12, 1.5 line spacing. Add food intake data using the template found below. The objectives include to:

  • Create a cover page as shown below. (1%)
  • Create your personal profile that includes you gender, age, weight, height, and physical activity level. (2%) USE name “Xuhui Wang” , Gender “Male”
  • Record all foods and beverages you consumed for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in a 3-day period (preferably 2-week days and one-weekend day). (15%)
  • Categorize all foods and beverages you consumed based on food groups found in the MyPlate recommendations. (10%)
  • Calculate you average daily intake of foods and beverages from all food groups and compare it to the guidelines expressed in the MyPlate recommendations. (2%)
  • Based on the information from this course lectures and course pack reading, suggest what nutrient recommendations you may not be getting or which nutrient intake you may be exceeding. (20%)
  • Based on the information from this course lectures and course pack reading, suggest what health conditions you might be at risk of if you do not modify your food intake. (25%)
  • Suggest how you can improve/modify your diet to more closely follow MyPlate guidelines. List specific foods and beverage that you need to add or avoid for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Be specific. (25%)
  • Submit the completed assignment on Moodle by the deadline listed in the syllabus.

Scroll down to see a template.