Theories of Ageing and Impact on Health

Theories of Ageing and Impact on Health

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Theories of Ageing and Impact on Health

Type 2 Diabetes

Shakespeare refers to old age as “Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything”. Is ageing inevitably associated with disease? Use in depth examples of at least two diseases to discuss theories of ageing and how it impacts on health.

Type 2 diabetes

Introduction (10%)

Defining parameters, providing background and setting the scene for discussion

Introduction relevant, pertinent and informative, includes the question, gives a succinct and clear direction for the essay. Clearly ‘signposts’ the reader in the direction the essay will take in an interesting and informative manner. Parameters succinctly defined with reference to quality sources.

Consistent exhibition of outstanding 1st characteristics throughout with integrated flow and style

Theories of Ageing and Impact on Health

7 pages double spaced

Critical Essay: The questions will require students to carry out extensive research for the essay and present the work in a cogent and scientifically sound format.

1. Describe, using appropriate terminology, the major pathophysiological processes, their underlying mechanisms and how they contribute to the features of disease. Course learning outcome;

2. Discuss the body’s response to stressors and the consequences to physiological systems, the role of the immune system: psychoneuroimmunology;

3. Evaluate the features of frequently encountered inflammatory disorders, degenerative conditions, and neoplasms;

4. Interpret the macroscopic and microscopic changes that occur in pathological conditions and explain the uses of common laboratory investigative and imaging procedures in the diagnosis and monitoring of pathophysiological changes;

5. Selectively and critically appraise literature and information from different sources and fields, and propose solutions to problems arising from the analysis. Course learning outcome

Theories of Ageing and Impact on Health

Assessment criteria will be that students:

· Demonstrate a critical understanding of pathophysiological processes pertinent to the title;

· Demonstrate the ability to use current, objective material, properly referenced using an appropriate academic writing style.

1. Ageing

Shakespeare refers to old age as “Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything”. Is ageing inevitably associated with disease? Use in depth examples of at least two diseases to discuss theories of ageing and how it impacts on health.

You might consider these resources as starting points. Remember for a critical essay the quality of your sources is important so do find up to date primary research papers relevant to the question you are answering. You might like to look at these links and papers to start: Note: Please only use references to peer reviewed publications.



Mather, K. A., Jorm, A. F., Parslow, R. A., & Christensen, H. (2011). Is telomere length a biomarker of aging? A review. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences66(2), 202-213.


Available at:

Franceschi, C., & Campisi, J. (2014). Chronic inflammation (inflammaging) and its potential contribution to age-associated diseases. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences, 69(Suppl_1), S4-S9.

Available at:

Criteria (indicative weighting %)

Fail 0-29%

Fail 30-39% 3rd 40-49% 2.2 50-59% 2.1 60-69% 1st 70-79% Distinction.


Introduction (10%)

Defining parameters, providing background and setting the scene for discussion

No introduction, lack of any signposting or direction for the essay given to the reader Brief introduction, but lacking direction, relevance and also lacking clarity, the reader finds the introduction confusing with no sense of which aspects will be discussed An Introduction is present, but a bit vague, or not complete (omits important aspect included in the essay) no citation to define parameters Introduction with reasonable clarity and points a direction for the essay (and includes the most important aspects covered) the reader has a understanding of what will be discussed, parameters defined with citation Introduction is good, with good, clear links between the question and the topic to be covered, reader understands what will be discussed in the essay and there are clear links to the main aspects under discussion. Parameters clearly defined with reference to quality sources. Introduction relevant, pertinent and informative, includes the question, gives a succinct and clear direction for the essay. Clearly ‘signposts’ the reader in the direction the essay will take in an interesting and informative manner. Parameters succinctly defined with reference to quality sources. Consistent exhibition of outstanding 1st characteristics throughout with integrated flow and style
Discussion (50%)

Extent of objectivity, critical analysis and relevance to the title

Major mistakes in content, major aspects missing, discussion confused, May include aspects not relevant to the topic whilst leaving some aspects of the questions not answered. No clear connections between statements. Muddled. Conclusion missing, no attempt has been made to summarise the main body of the essay Writing does not identify and address the complexity in the question/task. Work is descriptive and uncritical with many unsubstantiated assertions. Analysis is minimal or contradictory. Discussion is poor, lacking rationales and leaving reader to interpret. Some mistakes with content, some aspects missing, or discussing aspects not relevant to the question. Some attempt made to make reference to specific parts of the question; however the essay is muddled with no clear flow, Short confused or inappropriate / largely irrelevant conclusion, or a concluding paragraph which does not directly address the essay topic. Some irrelevancies of content, perhaps some straying from the topic. Some aspects missing or links to the topic not made clear. May have areas which are unclear, with no real flow to the discourse, but there is a general direction towards the question. Conclusion brief and in some parts tenuous to the discussion, perhaps straying off the topic, but there is an attempt to ‘wrap up’ and summarise the essay Some lack of focus, but main concepts, explained and there are clear links between the essay title and the discourse, may contain some irrelevancies or be slightly disjointed, possibly due to some minor writing errors. Some critical analysis Appropriate conclusion, which generally includes aspects discussed and summarises the essay, but there may be a slight loss of focus between the topic and the discussion. good quality of discussion. Generally good links between the topic and the essay. Clear explanations /descriptions, few irrelevancies but focus on the topic is clearly seen. Mainly critical analysis of the cited literature. Appropriate conclusion, by making relevant summations between the topic and the discussion and neatly summarising both

Shows an approach into the question or task that comes both from thoughtful planning and critical application of theory/knowledge to a complex situation.

Excellent discussion, V. good content with a very clear link between the topic and the discussion, which is well focussed. Clarity of expression with a good flow to the writing. The topic is discussed in an interesting way, demonstrating to the reader a good understanding, critical analysis throughout and integration of information directly relevant to the essay title. Excellent conclusion, which makes clear connections between topic and discussion, with appropriate comment, which is summarised in a concise and informative manner. The discussion evidences a complex understanding of the issues in the question/task through analysis, and evaluative application of theory including reasons given for choices made.
Material used (20%)

Should be impartial in its views, up to date and cover a range of academic opinions, relevant to the angle of the essay

Few sources, not academically reliable Drawing on sources that are either not academically reliable or at Level 5. Work that uses some references ideas etc. from a few academic and relevant texts and sources, but is heavily reliant on only a few sources and hence does not demonstrate good coverage of opinion. Work that uses and references ideas etc. from academic and relevant texts and sources, with reasonable range and quality, although omits to include one or two key sources, Good referenced material from seminal, up to date appropriate academic sources, evidences coherent research into different views, different aspects or stages in the inquiry Extensively referenced material from seminal, up to date appropriate academic sources, evidences coherent research into different views, different aspects or stages in the inquiry including minor aspects of the situation.
Structure and presentation (10%)

Quality of structure, spelling, punctuation, syntax and grammar.

Writing that is incoherent, or that does not address the topic focus in the questions or task.

Writing to the topic set, but evidencing significant errors of fact or conceptual understanding re the learning outcomes for the module.

Writing that does not identify and address the complexity in the question/task. Work is largely descriptive and uncritical with some unsubstantiated assertions. Analysis is minimal or contradictory. Failure to develop a discussion with rationales for ideas – relies on the reader to interpret. Some attempt to show how the writer’s thinking has developed, even though the reader may be interpreting to some extent.

Appropriate use of technical language.

Work structured with an introduction that signposts the development of the work, and has stages in the discussion built up in clearly defined paragraphs that lead to conclusions that are relevant to the task and supported by the discussion. Use of technical/client centred language assumed. The work clearly structured to enhance understanding of how the discussion develops. Synthesis within paragraphs and throughout the whole is evident. Excellent structure with coherent presentation throughout.
Referencing (10%) (& word-count)

(Use appropriate referencing). range and relevance of referenced cited: correct referencing format used

No referencing or word count Very little referencing, and of poor quality, format not conforming to ‘house style’ as laid down in the course handbook (word-count may be present) Referencing, but with many errors and inconsistencies, both in-text and in the referencing list

Word-count present

Generally well referenced, some references are incorrect or omitted, but generally well attempted.

Word-count present

Good referencing consistent using correct layout and format both in-text and in the reference list at the end Minor errors present

Word-count present

Excellent and complete referencing in all aspects, including in-text referencing. Word-count present

Word-count present


Overall Comments


Final Grade
