Reflective Essay and Literature Review
Reflective Essay and Literature Review
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Reflective Essay and Literature Review
Reflective Essay & Literature Review Report, (Each student is required to submit a five-page paper on a course topic or issue that is particularly significant and personally meaningful. In other words, choose a problem or issue that you have had some experience managing. For example, you may use a personal observation (some event you have witnessed) and/or, personal experience (an incident in which you played a part) for the point of view of your paper.
The following are guidelines for the Reflective Essay & Literature Review Report:
1. Define the topic or issue by utilizing class material and course terminology. You may use your textbook and lecture notes, or portal discussion questions as your initial inspiration and source. (Example topics and the grading rubric for scoring the assignment will be presented during the 3nd week of instruction.)
2. Do research with substantiated, credible sources – this skill demonstrates academic adeptness and collegiate knowledge! To do this, take your topic idea or issue, put it into context, and link it with some good research. Please visit the campus library to verify that your research meets excellent, academic, collegiate standards. Here is our classes library research guide and tutorial,
1. Godeepwithyourresearchandrefrainfromusingmainstream,heavilycommercialized media sources, such as WebMD, Psychology today, u-tube, Facebook, non-credible Internet websites, Google, etc. . . .
2. Must have at least three outside, academic/good scientific sources, aside from lecture and the text. Also, the material does not need to be peer reviewed.
3. Appropriatelydocumentallsourcesthroughoutpaperandincludeareferencepage. (If the information is in your essay, it must be appropriately documented.)
4. Noblockquotes-instead,paraphrasethesourcematerial.
3. Format, one-inch margins – adjust right margin to .8, Font size 12 (New Times or Ariel), Title page includes: Title of Report, Name, Class & Instructor, Date – you do not need an abstract. Double space. No third space between paragraphs.
4. Students are required to turn-in a hard copy, and a digital copy of the same report on the d2l course page on the assigned due date. NO LATE WORK will be accepted.
5. Students strongly encouraged to visit the Writing Center located in Cramer Hall room 188 for free assistance on writing skills. If you visit the Writing Center, and document your tutoring session, you will earn at least 3 points extra on the grading rubric.