Assignment: Social and Cultural Counseling

Assignment: Social and Cultural Counseling

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Assignment: Social and Cultural Counseling

Activity: Counseling Immigrants


This activity is composed of three parts. In order to complete part I, you must read the article “Counseling Haitian Students and their Families: Issues and Interventions.” In order to complete part II, you must read the “APA Immigration Report Executive Summary,” and in order to complete part III, you must read “Counseling Model for Immigrants.”

Part I

1) Explain the differences between what parents are expected to do in American schools and what parents are expected to do in Haitian schools.

2) Why did Jean’s parents did not seek contact with teachers?

3) Haitian students face significant prejudice from teachers and classmates based on their race, the negative image of voudou, their former classification as a high-risk group for AIDS, and the violence and corruption of Haiti’s domestic politics. Name the interventions suggested by Joseph (1984).

Part II

1. The United States today has approximately _______ million immigrants—the largest number in its history. As a nation of immigrants, the United States has successfully negotiated larger proportions of newcomers in its past (______% in 1910 vs. _____% today). Notably, nearly _________ ____________of the foreign-born are naturalized citizens or authorized noncitizens.

2. Nearly a ___________ of children under the age of 18 have an immigrant __________.

3. One third of the foreign-born population in the United States is from ________, and a total of _______% originate from Latin America (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010).The four states with the largest numbers of immigrants (California, __________, New Mexico, and _________) have already become “majority/minority” (______ than ________% White) states (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011a).

4. Immigrants arrive in the United States with varied levels of education. At one end of the spectrum are highly educated immigrant adults (Portes & Rumbaut, 2006) who comprise a ___________ of all U.S. __________, ________% of the nation’s __________ and ____________ workers with bachelor’s degrees, and _______% of scientists with ______________.

5. An estimated ________ languages are currently spoken in homes in the United States.

6. Psychological acculturation refers to the dynamic process that immigrants experience as they __________ to the culture of the new country.

7. The constellation of presenting issues for immigrants tends to fall within the areas of _________________- based presenting problems, __________-based presenting problems, and _________________, ____________, and ______________–based problems.

8. To increase the accessibility and efficacy of services, clinicians and practitioners should adhere to the following guiding principles: use an ______________perspective, integrate evidence-based practice with ____________-based evidence, provide culturally competent treatment, partner with ______________-based organizations, and incorporate ___________ __________ principles in providing service.

Part III

Please read “Counseling Model for Immigrants” in its entirety. It may be helpful to read this document several times before submitting your answers. Imagine that you have an immigrant client who comes from a collectivistic society (collectivism is associated with countries in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, and the Pacific Islands). Write a transcript of an imaginary session with this client (you can choose your client’s gender, name, country of origin, sexual orientation, age and any other cultural factors that you may wish to include in your transcript). During the session, the client’s main problem should be related to his/her difficulty adapting to an individualistic society. For example, your client may be experiencing distress after immigrating to the U.S. because he/she finds difficult or impossible to develop the type of relationships he/she had with others in his/her home country. In order to help your client, you should help him/her create a “Bicultural Identity Table” by asking him/her about the positive and the negative aspects of living in a collectivistic society and by asking him/her about the positive and the negative aspects of living in an individual society. You should use the information provided in the document “Counseling Model for Immigrants” to understand the immigration experience from an existential perspective and to understand how to apply the dialectical perspective to the development of a bicultural identity. It should be clear in your transcript that you understood how to use the integrative model proposed in the document. Your transcript should have between 2 and 4 pages, single spaced, and look like a transcript verbatim:

Counselor: blah, blah, blah

Client: blah, blah, blah.

Please read the information below to understand the meaning of “collectivism” and “individualism”:

A collectivist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups (families, work units, tribes, nations), and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important than the needs of individuals. Individualistic societies such as the U.S. and Australia are said to prioritize individual achievement, whereas collectivists are said to place more value on group harmony. In individualistic societies, when there is a conflict between an individual’s rights and the collective’s rights, there is a tendency to favor the individual over the collective. In collectivistic societies, when there is a conflict between an individual’s rights and the collective’s rights, there is a tendency to favor the collective over the individual. For example, a man from a collectivistic society would be more likely than one from an individualistic society to give up his own dreams in order to fulfill the needs of his family or community (e.g. deciding to stay in his hometown supporting his family rather than going to an Ivy league school).